Results based on 4th quarter 2024 regulatory filings are now available for ALL INSTITUTIONS.
IDC Rank of Financial Ratios 2024-Q4:
CAMEL Analysis
Capital Ratios - A Foundation for Safety and Soundness
Tier 1 Capital % Tier 1 Assets
Risk Based Capital % Risk Based Assets
Tier I Capital % Risk Based Assets
Adequacy of Capital and Loan Loss Reserve to Cover Loan Delinquency
Loan Loss Reserve % Tier I Capital
Loans 90 Days Delinquent % Tier I Capital
Loans Nonaccrual + REO % Tier I Capital
Margins Measure Management
Common Shareholder’s Net Operating Profit After Tax % Tangible Equity Capital, NOPAT ROE (1yr)
Cost of Equity COE (1yr)
Net Interest % Earning Assets (1yr)
Noninterest Income % Earning Assets (1yr)
Noninterest Expense % Earning Assets (1yr)
Operating Profit Margin OPM (1yr)
OPM Risk Standard Deviation
Earnings Return on Equity Equals the Operating Return Plus the Financial Return
Return of Net Operating Profit From Operations After Tax % Earning Assets (ROEA)
Return on Financial Leverage (ROFL) = Spread X Leverage
ROEA less COF AT = Leverage Spread
Leverage Multiplier
Liquidity Determines the Ability to Grow
Balance Sheet Cash Flow % Tier I Equity
Percent Annual Growth in Equity Capital
Nonperforming Assets % Total Loans
Illiquid Loans % Stable Deposits and Borrowings Plus Excess Liquidity
Interest-Bearing Liabilities % Earning Assets
Supplemental Ratios
Investment Yield
Loan Yield
Cost of Adjusted Debt - After Tax
Net Income % Avg Assets
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Limitations to Use of Financial Ratios and Ranks
Ranks are designed to provide IDC Financial Publishing, Inc.’s opinion as to the relative value of financial ratios, and are subject to limitations in their use. The ranks have no value in forecasting the direction of future trends of financial ratios. While in our opinion the selected ratios provide an ample financial picture for evaluating a financial institution, the quality of individual financial institutions can also be influenced by factors not taken into account in this analysis.
The quality of a financial institution is not fixed over time, but tends to undergo change. For this reason, changes in ranks occur, reflecting changes in the individual financial ratios.The data utilized for calculations, ranks, and other information was obtained from sources believed to be reliable and accurate; however, neither the publisher nor its employees assume responsibility for the correctness or accuracy of data, calculations, or liability for their use.